Don't Panic! Our new technical apprenticeship instructor has arrived!


We're thrilled to announce the arrival of a new guide on our technical apprenticeship journey – Chris Guirl! (Though, unlike the Hitchhiker's Guide, we won't need any towels... hopefully!)

Chris joins our team as a passionate instructor for the technical apprenticeship program. He brings a wealth of experience in tech and an even greater passion for helping others learn and flourish.

Why we're excited

Chris's expertise is an invaluable asset. He has a proven track record as a chief technology officer (CTO) and a teacher. This, combined with a genuine enthusiasm for teaching, creates the perfect environment for our apprentices to thrive.

But fear not, aspiring technicians! We understand that embarking on a new technical path can be daunting. Wires might get crossed (literally!), and circuits might not always cooperate. That's where Chris's wisdom and the "Don't Panic" approach come in.

A supportive learning environment

Chris believes in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's core principle: Don't Panic! He will provide a supportive and encouraging learning environment, fostering a space where you can ask questions, experiment, and master the technical skills needed for a successful career.

Join the adventure!

We're confident Chris will be a fantastic addition to our team and can't wait to see his impact on our next generation of technicians.

Are you ready to embark on your technical adventure?

  • Learn more about our apprenticeship program and apply today on our programs page.

  • Know someone who would be a great fit for our program? Share this post with them!

Together, with Chris as our guide, we'll help you navigate the exciting world of tech!

Lauren McGlamery