Media center

About us

Build Carolina is a South Carolina-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing South Carolina’s tech community through demand-driven training, connection and support.

Our credo

“We see possibilities all around us.
In this community, we see massive talent and drive.
In the future, we see meaningful, sustainable impact.
In our hands, we see power and the means to make a way.
We know firsthand the obstacles – we call them opportunities.
Our vision is bright and clear: a thriving, accessible tech ecosystem for all.”

Contact us

All media or speaker inquiries may be directed to the Executive Director, Lelia King, at or 980-322-5636.


Interested in inviting one of our team members to speak at your event? Need a podcast interview? Click here to learn more about the topics our team can cover.

Press releases




Recent News

SC tech apprenticeship offers paid training (Post & Courier, Sept. 25, 2022)

Editorial: Tech apprenticeships will benefit SC residents, companies (Post & Courier, Sept. 15, 2022)

New program aimed at creating software developers Columbia Business Report (July 28, 2021)

Fellowship program for software developers to launch this fall Newberry Observer (August 16, 2021)

Laura McIntosh, Managing Director of SC Office of Innovation The Buzz Podcast (Sept. 1, 2021)