Making a way for real people in South Carolina to have access to tech careers


At our recent rebrand event in February 2025, our CEO, Lelia King, took a moment to reflect on the impact of our community by sharing the stories of graduates who were in the room—each one a testament to the power of opportunity, resilience, and growth. From career changers who landed their first tech roles to alumni who are now hiring the next generation of talent, their journeys highlight what makes Build Carolina more than just a training ground. It’s a lifelong network of support. She celebrated these milestones in her speech, reminding us why we do this work.

Here’s a look at some of the inspiring success stories she shared.

“Over the last seven years, thousands of people have completed courses with us. Over 150 students have completed our software development apprenticeship or our web development bootcamp program. Some of those graduates are here today, and we specifically want to honor them, as they are the inspiration behind everything we do at Build Carolina. So many of them have launched great careers, and the ripple effect of that cannot be overstated.

Bartender to software developer for a company that gives scholarships to future students

Imagine this: a local guy starts bartending during college to make ends meet. He doesn’t finish his degree - not because he can’t, but he just never finds his place and the paychecks are helpful. Ten years later, he’s miserable in a dead-end administrative job, feeling stuck and operating on autopilot. He tried learning on his own, but needed accountability. He found that accountability when he joined a cohort of others on the same path. He believed he could do it, and took a leap of faith.

Today, that same man contributes in a meaningful and valuable way as a software developer with a national finance company headquartered in downtown Greenville. He has great experience, a path for continued career growth, and he gives back to his community. His company even provides scholarships for future learners who want to follow in his footsteps - the flywheel at work. 

EMT to technologist with the nation’s leading public health organization as a client

Imagine a young person, growing up in a small rural community near Columbia, where the majority of career opportunities are in agriculture, manufacturing and healthcare. He went the EMS route, but ever since he was little he LOVED technology. He was told that computers were a hobby - not a career. But he knew that there was something more. When a coworker’s life tragically ended, he had an epiphany and decided to commit to his passion: programming. He found an online community, which led to learning the skills he needed, which led to him landing an apprenticeship.

Today, that man is a technologist and developer for one of our country’s leading consulting firms, where he contributes to the nation’s leading public health organization. Not only that, his wife is now pursuing a new career path as well. They are raising their two kids here in South Carolina, in the place where they grew up. They are mentoring others, sharing their stories, and making their community better. 

RN to software developer in healthcare

Imagine the registered nurse, completely exhausted serving in the ER during the pandemic, who today is writing software for a healthcare startup. She’s also DJing, and building a great life here.  

Accountant to software developer to founder who hires fellow grads

Imagine the accountant, who in 6 years changed careers, got experience, and now runs his own software company employing South Carolina programmers and mentoring dozens more (right here in this building, in fact).  

These are real examples of real people, who happen to all be standing in this room. 

There are hundreds of stories similar to these - people who need to care for family members, or who want to expand their families, or who just want to build a better and more meaningful life. 

Let’s imagine, again: the founder of an innovative startup company with a strong foundation and good support, poised for growth, who is met with big challenges: how do I prioritize investing in my platform? Can we grow toward our goals with our current tools? Who can help me figure this out? The founder looks for a technical co-founder or CTO who can help, but the search is hard and the choices are limited.

Imagine: that company now has a host of choices and can lean on a large community of experts to help them navigate this uncharted frontier. As the company grows and succeeds, so do the people supporting it. More jobs are created (often high paying, knowledge jobs), more capital is invested locally, and the economy expands. The supply chain is strengthened, and we begin to attract even more innovation-based companies and talent. 

This is what we mean when we say we envision South Carolina with a thriving, accessible tech talent ecosystem. 

Think of it like a solar system: The universe of technology is constantly orbiting, shifting, and evolving. Entering this universe can feel overwhelming. At Build Carolina, our mission is to make it more accessible—helping people navigate the system and find their place in it.”

We’re sharing a few snapshots from the event below, showing graduates from both our academy and apprenticeship programs mingling, reconnecting, and forging new connections. These moments capture what Build Carolina is all about: a big, growing community of tech talent. No matter the pathway, whether through our academy, an apprenticeship, or another route, we are here to ensure that opportunity and access remain open to all.

Lauren McGlamery