Speakers Bureau
If you’d like to request a speaker, please contact Lelia King at lelia@buildcarolina.org or 980-322-5636
Lelia King
Lelia King serves as the executive director of Build Carolina and is based in Greenville, SC. She can speak on a number of topics, including:
Building the technical talent ecosystem in South Carolina (and beyond)
The future of work and what it will take to get prepared
Build Carolina programs, including Carolina Code School, SC Codes and Develop Carolina
The future of credentials - degrees, certificates, certifications, nanodegrees and beyond
Removing barriers to high performing talent development
Diversity and inclusion in the tech industry
Recent interviews and speaking engagements:
Advantage Greenville (November 2023) - The state of the tech talent ecosystem (and the impact of AI)
The Founder Factor podcast: Breaking the mold (June 2022)
Footnotes: Into the Technology Unknown (April 2022)
UGA Grady College and Career Center (July 2020) - "Keys to Your Job Search in Uncertain Times"
Coffee + Conversation at Upstate Alliance, Greenville SC (Feb. 2020) - "The state of code education in the Upstate"
Hir(Ed) Conference, Austin, TX (Nov. 2019) - "How the next generation of code bootcamps can serve all markets"
Kaity Miller
Kaity is the COO of Build Carolina, and she serves on the board of Charleston Women in Tech. Kaity is a skilled presenter and an informed speaker on a number of topics, including:
Diversity in the technology industry and how to diversity tech talent using non-traditional pathways
Women in the technology industry, specifically advocating for yourself
Work-based learning and apprenticeships in technology
Recent interviews and speaking engagements:
DiverseIT Summit Breakout Session Speaker: "No Degree Required: Diversifying Tech Talent Through Non-Traditional Education" May 2022
Growth Summit 2021 Panel Moderator - “Success Stories in Tech Talent Development”
SC Tech Webinar Series Panelist (2021): "Work Based Learning & Apprenticeships in Technology"
Million Women Mentors SC Symposium 2021 Speaker
The Developed App Tour with ACT |The App Association- Charleston Panelist (2020)
AppCon 2020 participant which included meetings on Capitol Hill