Impact Report 2023

This summer, our team has been reflecting on one of the primary core values that drives our organization: impact. At Build Carolina, impact is not just about metrics; it embodies the essence of why we do this work. We want to make an impact, to measure the strides we've made, the lives we've touched, and the barriers and obstacles we've helped others overcome.

Our 2023 Impact Report provides a snapshot of what was accomplished through this organization over the course of one year. And while this snapshot helps to tell that story, Build Carolina is also more than this one snapshot. It is a dynamic and evolving entity, constantly adapting to better serve the needs of the tech talent ecosystem.

For our team, impact is about the stories behind these numbers—stories of resilience, transformation, and success. In 2023, we managed three pivotal programs: Carolina Code School, Develop Carolina, and SC Codes. Each program played a crucial role in fostering talent and creating opportunities. SC Codes has since closed, and in 2024 we have been focused on growth and expansion of our services and training programs, renewing our commitment to making an even greater impact moving forward. 

Our strategic plan, completed in 2024, sets the stage for even more exciting developments to be unveiled this fall. Until then, let's celebrate the highlights of 2023:

  • 38 graduates from our advanced training programs.

  • An impressive 95% graduation rate.

  • An 81% post-grad hire rate, reflective of a challenging job market.

These numbers, while impressive, only scratch the surface of our state-wide community's true impact. Our free learning opportunities, networking events, meetup groups, and vibrant Slack community have fostered an inclusive and supportive environment for all. The strength of our network is further evidenced by our 89 mentor connections in 2023, ensuring a minimum of a 1:1 mentor-to-learner ratio in our advanced courses.

None of this would be possible without the dedication and passion of our mentors, volunteers, and the entire Build Carolina team. Making an impact is indeed a team sport, and we are incredibly grateful for everyone's contributions.

As we look ahead, we invite you to join us in this journey of continued growth and transformation. Together, we can build a brighter future and create even more significant impact.

Warm regards,

Lelia and the Build Carolina team

Lelia King